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Health resorts of Belarus.by - Information about the country - Health resorts in Belarus price 2025
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Information about the country

About the Republic of Belarus

  • General information about Belarus

    Belarus - is a small country with an area of about 207.6 thousand sq. km, which is located in the center of Europe and occupied about 2% of its area. The country has no access to sea, and the state border established with five states: with the Russian Federation to the North-East and East, Ukraine to the South, Poland to the West, Lithuania and Latvia to the Northwest.

    Due to its geographical location Belarus is an important trade and transport corridor between Europe and CIS countries. The country is at the crossroads of the trans-European transport and communication corridors «West - East» and «North – South».
    The compactness of the territory allows easy and quick access anywhere in country, and to cross it completely possible for 7 hours, the length from West to East is 650 km, and from North to South - 560 km .

    Minsk is located in the center of the Republic of Belarus - it's the largest city, the capital of the state. During the long history of its existence, it has repeatedly destroyed and rose from ruins.
    Today Minsk is a modern European city, the main political, economic, scientific and cultural center of the country, where an area of about 300 sq. km there are almost 2 million people. The main educational institutions of the country are concentrated here, an extensive network of cultural and sports fascilities are created, are the main government authorities.

  • To Belarus without visa

    Belarus - is an opened country, famous for its hospitality, every traveler feels yourself a welcome guest here! Early in the 2017 year our country has opened its borders and provided for foreign citizens the opportunity to visit the country without a visa for the period no more than 5 days for citizens of 80 countries upon entry through the checkpoint «National airport Minsk». Due to the high interest in Belarus among foreign guests country's leadership was adopted the decision about expansion of visa-free entry opportunities and increase of the period of stay up to 30 days .
    Today, you can discover Belarus, get acquainted with its culture and traditions, admire its magnificent scenery and visit its best tourist places without wasting time on preparation of documents for entry.

    Guests of the country can take advantages of the absence of visa formalities when planning a trip to Belarus through the «National airport Minsk». Regime «30 days without visa» allows citizens of 74 countries to come to the Republic of Belarus for a period of not more than 30 days (including the day of arrival and departure). To enter the country without a visa, you must have a valid passport or other document that replaces it, for travel abroad, money funds (amount in foreign currency or Belarusian rubles equivalent to at least two basic values (about 51,00 BYN; 23,60 USD; 20,60 EUR per each day), medical insurance in the amount of not less than 10 thousand EUR, operating in Belarus.

    Arrive to Belarus with tourism aims without visa for the term to 15 days is possible, when visiting visa-free territory «Brest - Grodno» (Brest city, Brest, Zhabinka, Kamenets, Pruzhany districts of Brest region, Grodno city, Berestovitsa, Volkovysk, Voronovo, Grodno, Lida, Svisloch, Schuchin districts of Grodno region). It will help to foreign guests to get acquainted with masterpieces of the Belarusian architecture, to look the most important and popular attractions of the country, to plunge into traditions and to experience Belarusian well-known hospitality.
    In this case, visa-free entry to the Republic of Belarus at the checkpoint should provide confirmation of the right to individual or group visits to the recreational area, issued by the travel company. Belarusian tour operator «Automated tourism technologies» offer the full range of tourism services in organizing of tour any level of complexity and preparation of documents for visa-free entry. Visa-free entry and exit from the Republic of Belarus across the state border of the Republic of Belarus to visit these tourist and recreational zones must be carried out strictly through the established by presidential decree ¹426 checkpoints.

    In addition, agreements provide for visa-free entry into the territory of the Republic of Belarus for citizens of individual states for a longer period. You can find out whether you need a visa to travel to Belarus and in what cases you can come to the country without a visa, as well as get advice and assistance in preparing documents follow the link.

    And until December 31, 2025, there is a visa-free entry procedure for citizens of 35 countries through all road and railway international checkpoints across the State Border of the Republic of Belarus for a period of temporary stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus of no more than thirty days from day of entry and in general no more than 90 days in a calendar year. You can use the right of visa-free entry into Belarus an unlimited number of times during the entire period of validity of this permit. You can view the list of countries in the «Visa-free entry» section follow the link.

    For citizens of the Russian Federation visa for entry to Belarus isn't required. They need to have only the identity document - for adult it's an internal or foreign passport, and for child – birth certificate with a mark about citizenship of the Russian Federation or the corresponding liner. Medical insurance isn't required because concluded between our countries agreement involves the provision of free emergency medical care. If you wish, you can enter into a contract of voluntary medical insurance. The insurance company policy offers a wider range of services than specified in the agreement of our countries. Compulsory medical insurance of foreign citizens is carried out by two insurance companies «Beleximgarant» and «Belgosstrakh», and insurance poles of only these companies are valid and mandatory in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Medical insurance policy can be issued on any checkpoints on borders of the Republic of Belarus, and also in airports and railway stations, where are working branches of the Belarusian state insurance organizations.

    When visiting Belarus for more than 30 days, most foreign citizens require a visa. Visa to the Republic of Belarus is subject to a consular fee. From 1 January 2017, the consular fee for the issuance of individual visas of all types with any number of entries is set at 60 EUR. In relation to citizens and residents with special status of Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia are defined preferential rates of consular fees, and the citizens of Japan and Serbia this fee is not charged at all.

    The authorities issuing entry visas of the Republic of Belarus are:

    • consular offices of the Republic of Belarus;
    • diplomatic representations of the Republic of Belarus;
    • office for the entry of foreigners of the main consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in the «National airport Minsk».

    For obtaining visa should be given the next documents:
    • a duly completed visa application form;
    • valid passport (the validity period must exceed the date of the expected departure of a foreigner from Belarus by at least 90 days);
    • photograph 35õ45 mm, on a light flat background, high-quality clarity, 70-80 % of the vertical size of the image should occupy the face, prescription of the photo - not more than 6 months;
    • visa support documents (for citizens of states, which are successful in migration, there is a simplified procedure for issuing visas, in which visa support documents are not required, confirming the purpose and conditions of the trip, when issuing visas for up to 30 days to enter for the purpose of business travel or on private matters, as well as for participation in sports or cultural events);
    • a confirmation of the consular fee paid;
    • medical insurance contract;
    • additional documents required for one or other type of visa.

    The decision to issue an entry visa is taken by a consular officer within 5 working days from the date of submission of documents (urgently – within 2 working days days'.)
    Visa processing directly upon arrival in Belarus is possible only in the main consular office Department of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus at the «National airport Minsk». To do this, the inviting person or organization must provide the original invitations to Management on the entry of foreigners of the main consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DVV CCU MFA). Visa support documents (original and copy of the application) should be submitted to be provided in advance - not later than 2 days before the expected date arrival of a foreigner.

  • Transportation in Belarus

    Railway station Bus station Gate of the city Railway station Airport

    The Rebublic of Belarus is convenient in transportation and located at the intersection of main international transport corridors, connecting Western Europe with the Russian Federation, Northern Europe with Southern. To get to Belarus by air, rail and road transport is easy – there are many direct routes from most European countries, and also countries ÑIS.

    Airport Certainly, the fastest and the most comfortable way to hit in Belarus - use the services of an air carrier. National airport «Minsk» - main aerial gate of the country, the modern complex with rich infrastructure - covenient and spacious rooms, free Wi-Fi, restaurants, bars, Duty Free shops, hotel rooms, insurance and other services. Airport serves about 19 international airlines, among which «Aeroflot», «Lufthansa», «Turkish Airlines» and other large carriers. National airline «Belavia» flies regular flights from the largest cities of Europe, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Israel. National airport «Minsk» is located in 40 km from the city, what allows quickly to hit to the capital of transport as well as auto. A convenient transportation provides the state enterprise «Minsktrans», buses of which shuttles hourly, and also shuttlebus.

    Railway station Belarus, located in the centre of Europe, has a rich railway network, which is connecting it with the biggest cities of neighbour countries, and into the country coveres more than 2100 townships. Territory of the country cross 2 European large transport corridors, one of which Berlin-Warsaw-Minsk-Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod passes through Germany, Poland and Russia; and the second - from Finland through Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.
    Belarusian railway offers a convenient format of passenger transport. Travel costs on railways of the country is small and depends on the line, class, category of wagon. In Belarus operate about 20 large railway stations with a rich infrastructure for passengers. The biggest railway nodes are Minsk, Baranovichi, Orsha, Brest, Gomel. And even in towns and townships a good service is available for passengers.
    Railway transport – are one of the most comfortable, reliable and available kinds of journey. You can make a purchase of tickets on the train online on the site of Belarusian railway, directly at the ticket offices at the stations, and also make an order by phone, and on internal and some international lines offers an opportunity to buy electronic ticket.

    Own transport To arrive in Belarus is possible by the auto, after passing one of throughout border posts. An extensive network of highways differ a high quality, that indicates a majority guests of our country. Among European countries on the consity of public roads Belarus ranks the 15 position. Traffic in Belarus is right-hand, most road signs made in Cyrillics (a largest transport unbundings use Latin), speed limit by the Republican highways– 120 km/h, and on local roads - 90 km/h.
    In entry on the territory on a personal transport owner are necessary documents on auto (technical passport), international driver's license and automobile insurance «Green card». You can get insurance for the car in advance at the place of residence in insurable companies or at checkpoints across the border (registration points work 24 hours per day). «Green card» issued for the entire period of stay in Belarus, but not less than 15 days, and for its registration need a passport and documents for the car.
    It should be noted that some roads in Belarus are included in the system «BelToll» and are paid for vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons, as well as cars, registered for outside the Customs Union (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan). Board size depends on vehicle category and distance travelled. Today there is an electronic system of collecting tolls on a toll road. Punky serving, you can look at the map of paid roads in Belarus, and more detail information about paid roads in Belarus you can see - here.

    Bus station

    For those who prefer to use public transport, it's possible to come to Belarus on international bus routes. Most of them arrive at the largest in the country bus station «Centralnyj» in Minsk. The main carrier of international routes is a state-owned company«Minsktrans», that connects the Belarusian capital not only with other cities and capitals of neighboring countries, but also with distant states. Among foreign companies represented company «Ecolines» and «LuxExpress». Domestic flights provide opportunity to get to any place in Belarus.

  • Nature of Belarus

    Nature of Belarus Nature of Belarus Nature of Belarus Nature of Belarus Nature of Belarus

    The nature of Belarus is amazing! Its attractiveness in the variety of natural landscapes is here picturesque hills give way to vast meadows and thick forests, clear water of lakes and rivers alternates with unique wetland areas. Despite the lack of mountains and access to the sea, it is a charm untouched nature amazes every traveler. Belarus is one of the few places in Europe, where it was possible to preserve the pristine landscapes, where alone with nature people feel peace and harmony.

    Climate in Belarus isn't hot or cold, the most favorable for life - moderately warm summer, winter is mild with frequent thaws. Climate of the country determine air masses, mainly coming from the Atlantic.

    The last glacier had a great influence on the formation of relief of Belarus, which turned the North of the Republic into a lake district - Belarusian lake district. Numerous lakes and rivers with crystal clear water are one of the unique features of the Belarusian nature. Belarus is called "blue-eyed" for good reason - there are about 10 thousand lakes and flows more than 20 thousand rivers, and the glory of its the largest lake Naroch and the group of Braslavskie lakes known far for outside the country.

    Belarus is distinguished on the map of Europe and its endless forests, which occupy about 38% of the territory countries - this is one of the highest rates among European countries. Belarus is in the zone of mixed forests dominated by spruce and alder species. Forests - national treasure, the pride and ornament of Belarus. Belovezhskaya pushcha, known all over the world — one of the oldest forests in Europe, the age of the trees reaches 120-200 years, and some even 350-500 years. These miraculously preserved remnants of the vast forests of Europe XIII century included UNESCO in The world heritage list.

    An integral part of the Belarusian landscape - its unique swamps, which occupy huge space on the South of the country is the famous Belarusian Polesie, which is often called «lungs of Europe.» In Western Polisie has preserved several large wetland ecosystems are the biggest natural swamps in Europe, a Paradise for ornithologists. The buffer zone of the Polesie has international the status of a key ornithological and Botanical territory, it is a kind of environmental corridor, connecting Central and southern Europe. Wide floodplain of Pripyat – the largest in Europe migration channel migratory bird. In total, about 20 wetlands in Belarus have international status according to Ramsarskaya convention.

    To preserve the unique diversity of animals and plants in their natural habitat function national parks and reserves. Guests of Belarus can plunge into the world of untouched nature and visit the unique international national parks of the country - «Belovezhskaya pushcha», «Braslavskiå lakes», «Narochansky», «Pripyatsky», and also «Berezinsky biosphere reserve».

  • Population of Belarus

    Belarusians have long been famous for their hospitality, peacefulness, patience and friendliness. It one of the first associations, which are called foreign guests about the inhabitants of our country. Be sure, not one traveler will not be left without help, valuable advice and sincere smiles.

    As of January 1, 2017, the population of Belarus is 9 million 504 thousand of people, and Belarusians make up about 84% of the total. By virtue of historical past many other nationalities live in Belarus, mainly Russians, Polish, Ukrainians, Jews, Tatars and other.
    The peculiarity of the religious composition of the population is its multi-confessional and toleration. Christianity - is the most widespread religion in the Republic, and Orthodoxy and Catholicism occupies a leading place in the religious life of the country. In general in Belarus there are 25 religious denomination, most distribution got the Protestant Church, Islam and others. Freedom of religion in Belarus guaranteed by the Constitution of the country.
    In Belarus, two languages have the status of the state - Belarusian and Russian. Other language, such as Polish, Ukrainian and Hebrew, used at the local community level.

  • Culture of Belarus

    Culture of Belarus Culture of Belarus Culture of Belarus Culture of Belarus Culture of Belarus

    Belarusian culture is an integral part of European cultural space and introduces a significant contribution to the world culture. A long and thorny path of formation of national original the culture of Belarus is reflected in the variety of styles, genres and directions. Original architectural and art schools, unique musical and literary works, folk folklore presently they are the property of the nation. The masterpieces of Belarusian art that have survived to this day are under State protection, they are stored in the collections of the largest Belarusian museums and collections of libraries, and classic Belarusian music and drama is demonstrated on the stage and in concert halls countries.

    Belarus has presented to the world not one genius artist , who were inspired by Belarus and whose the flight of thought resulted in the most valuable works of art. A whole generation of representatives of the Paris schools led by the world-famous avant-garde artist Marc Chagall has Belarusian roots. Among them - Haim. Soutine, Michael Kikoin, Ossip Cadkine, Osip Lyubich and others. Admiration of the untouched nature of Belarus, and in features of Belovezhskaya pushcha and Polesie, is reflected in the work of the famous landscape painter Ivan Shishkin, and Ilya Repin, who worked on his manor Zdravnevo in Vitebsk region.
    The largest collection of works of art has the National art museum of the Republic of Belarus, located in Minsk.

    Francisk Skaryna, founder of the Belarusian literature and literature are the originators of the Belarusian literature East Slavic printing pioneer, educator Kirill Turovsky and Simeon Polotsky. Belarusian literature of the ÕÕ century is represented by the outstanding names of folk poets Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Tank and others. The tragic history and fate of the Belarusian people had a profound impact on the development literary words. The theme of the war in the works of outstanding writers Vasil Bykov, Ales Adamovich, Yanka Bryl introduces Belarusians to the greatest tragedy of the ÕÕ century - the Great Patriotic war.
    In Minsk located National library of the Republic of Belarus - the largest collection of printed publications in the country.

    Annualy in Belarus are held about 60 international, state and regional music and theatrical festivals. Thousand of guests comes to Vitebsk in July on the most famous festival of the country - «Slavonic Bazaar». Íå ìåíåå çíà÷èìûå - International cinema festival «Listapad», International theatrical festival Panorama», International art festival «Belarusian music autumn», «Nesvizh muses» and other.
    Performers of the National academic Bolshoi theatre of opera and ballet of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian state academic music theatre, Belarusian state philharmonic conquer the audience his talent and professional skills. The most significant cultural events of the country are held under the accompaniment of the Presidential orchestra of the Republic of Belarus.

    Belarus isn't inferior to other European countries in the number of architectural monuments, many of which have no analogues in the world. The world cultural treasure house includes the most famous architectural structures of the country - Mir castle, Nesvizh palace and park complex and Arc Struve. And about 20 more objects are under consideration of experts UNESCO to including in the List of the World heritage.
    The basis of Belarusian urban planning originated in the middle ages, it was then on the territory of countries it was built about 150 castles and the oldest extant shrines - Polotsk Spaso-Evfrosinevskaya church, Grodno Borisoglebskaya church. Partially preserved and restored masterpieces of defense architectures amaze with their grandeur and monumentality - palace complex Sapeg in Ruzhany, Old castle in Grodno, Lida castle, Belaya vezha in Kamenets and many others. Important religion, variety of architectural styles in the cult played a role in the life of Belarusians architecture gives the opportunity today to admire the outstanding examples of elegant baroque (Nesvizhsky church of God, Grodno church of Francis Xavier), high spires of neo-Gothic temples (Troitsky church in Gervyaty, church of the Nativity of the virgin Mary in Vidzy), restraint of classicism and Renaissance decor.
    The Great Patriotic war left its mark on the Belarusian architecture, during which been unique temples, castles and architectural monuments of different eras and styles have been destroyed.

    In addition to the rich material heritage, Belarusians keep in memory and revive traditions and ceremonies ancestors, some of which are even included in the list of intangible cultural heritage UNESCO.
    Despite the fact that Belarus has been a Christian country for many centuries, it is pagan rituals, related to the worship of the fertility of the earth, nature and respect for ancestors, became the basis for more parts traditions that are observed to this day. Among them - a wide Maslenitsa with a bright burning stuffed and hearty pancakes; Kupalle with the purification by fire and search for "paparats-kvetka", which opened treasures on Earth and gave supernatural opportunities; Dozhinki marked the end of the harvest and harvesting season's.
    A special pride of Belarus is its folk tales, legends, sayings, games, dances and, of course, songs that accompanied all the important in the life of the peasants events (birth, wedding, harvest, death and others). Many traditional folk traditions have been preserved crafts - pottery, weaving, wickerwork and straw, embroidery, glass painting.
    Many Belarusian traditions and rituals have become the basis for tourist events and folk holidays'. Total more than 60 elements of intangible cultural heritage listed in the Unified state list of protection of historical and cultural values'.

  • National cuisine of Belarus

    National cuisine of Belarus National cuisine of Belarus National cuisine of Belarus National cuisine of Belarus National cuisine of Belarus

    Belarusian culinary traditions are a combination of simplicity of national recipes and refinement of dishes for magnates'. Feature of the Belarusian cuisine is the widespread use of local ecologically clean products', unusual, complex and long-term ways of processing.
    National Belarusian cuisine has a centuries-old history, during which each estate had its own traditions and recipes, forming whole directions - peasant and middle-class, gentry and magnate cuisine. During its history, the Belarusian cuisine has acquired some similarities with the Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish kitchens features, but remains unique in its own way, is hearty and tasty. Today, as before, the basis of the diet of national cuisine consist of seasonal vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat and, of course, potatoes and dishes from it. Potato law name «the second bread» of Belarusians for which the inhabitants of the country are often called «bulbashi» (potatoes - bulba in Belarusian). In the recipe book of Belarusian cuisine there are dozens of meat and lean dishes, and also salads with this product.
    Among national dishes are particularly popular draniki (potato pancakes), potato babka, machanka with pancakes (steamed slices of prime rib, sausages, brewed flour, sour cream, onion). Pork mainly used for the preparation of delicious homemade sausages and vyandliny (smoked a little hams or loin), and as an additive to various flour and potato dishes used toasted fat. In the preparation of desserts important place is honey and local berries.
    A special pride of the national cuisine is traditional Belarusian bread baked from rye sorrow without yeast, a specially grown yeast.
    Among the drinks typical for the national cuisine are kvass, medovuha (a drink made of honey, berries, herbs based on fermentation), sbiten (hot drink of honey and spices), krambambulya (strong drink with honey, spices and herbs).
    Belarusian cuisine is served in many restaurants, cafes, rural manors and ethnographic complexes. Interest in the national Belarusian cuisine contributes to the development of gastronomic tourism. Gastrotours provide the opportunity not only to taste the national cuisine, learn their recipes preparations, but also immerse yourself in the process - independently bake Belarusian bread, cook draniki, closer get acquainted with life and traditions of Belarus. There are many culinary festivals and gastrofests, including «Motalskie prysmaki», «Zhurauli and zhuraviny», «Vishnevy fest», as well as excursions and well-known nutritional plants and factories («Slodych», «Molochny mir», «Olivariya» and other).

  • National currency and money exchange in Belarus

    The national currency of the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian ruble (BYN). It is the only currency in Belarus that can be used for payments, payment for goods and services in others currencies are not produced. Are in circulation banknotes face valued 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 rubles, and also coins face valued 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pennies, 1 ruble and 2 rubles.
    The Belarusian ruble isn't a freely convertible currency, so it can't actually be purchase before arriving in the country. Upon arrival in Belarus, you can exchange money in a developed network exchange points or at the bank. Among the most common currencies that banks and points accept exchanges in country: dollars, euro, the Russian ruble.
    In addition to cash, payment by plastic cards is widely used in Belarus, which allows make payment for goods and services in hotels, restaurants, shops. Greatest common international payment systems in Belarus are Visa and MasterCard.
    If you wish, you can cash out money at ATMs, which are located in large trading centers, near train stations, near banks or directly in them.

  • Communications and the Internet in Belarus

    Belarus belongs to countries with a high level of mobile network coverage. Three operator networks of mobile communication A1, MTS, Life covered 98% territory of the country. For guests of the country mobile operators created special tariff plans - «Gostevoi» from ÌÒS, «Privet» from operator A1 and tariff «Prostoi» from life:) No problems with the connection doesnýt occur even while staying in remote settlements of the Republic.
    You can connect to the local operator in mobile network salons, which are in all regional and district centers, as well as post offices with a mandatory passport. Use the services of Your operator is possible by pre-connecting to your phone service international roaming service.

    Life in the modern society is difficult to imagine without access to the Internet. On arrival in Belarus while presence it is possible to connect to the Internet with the help of 3G-modems, which can be used on a personal computer to purchase from telecommunications operators: ÌÒS, A1, Life, Byfly. The most popular way to connect to the World Wide Web is a connecting to the network of wireless internet Wi-Fi. Today many establishments (restaurants, cafes, hotels, large shopping malls) provide this service for free. In the absence of the possibility of free connection, you can use the services of the primary Internet provider Beltelecom (ByFly). For connection to the Internet on technology Wi-Fi are necessary:

    • to have a device, supporting a work in the Internet on technology Wi-Fi (portable computer, mobile, tablet and other);
    • be within range of the signal;
    • buy Wi-Fi access card (available in denominations of 60, 180, 600 minutes; 1, 3, 5 days), if Internet access isn't free of charge at the expense of the organization.

    Today in Belarus citizens and guests of the capital, and also of the regional and large district centers can use services of mobile communication of fourth generation - 4G, which provides higher speed data transmission and significantly less time waiting for a response from the network. This type of communication is available for more than 75% urban population of the country. 4G Internet coverage map is presented on the mobile portal of operators' MTS and Life.

  • Famous Belarusians

    Belarus is proud for its outstanding natives. Among them are historical figures who not known only on the scale of the country, but also far beyond its borders, the great Nobel prize scientists prizes, Olympic Champions who have demonstrated the world's best sports results, and others worthy representatives of their nation.

    Francisc Scorina - the first Belarusian and East Slavic printer XVI century from Polotsk. For the first time in the history of the Eastern and Southern Slavs Scorina printed the Bible in a language accessible to simple people. Traslate into Belarusian language and published 23 books of Bible.
    Tadeusz Kosciuszko - a military and political figure, national hero of Belarus, USA, Poland, honorary citizen of France. Tadeusz Kosciuszko was the leader of the national liberation rebellion in 1794 in Rzecz Pospolita, participated in the war for independence of USA,
    Ignat Domeyko - a scientist-geologist, a participant of the liberation movement in Belarus, national hero of Chile, where lived most of his life. For his achievements, UNESCO declared 2002 year the year of Ignat Domeyko.
    Michael Kleofas Oginski - a talanted composer and politician, a participant of the rebellion under the leadership Kosciuszko. The most famous his work - is polonaise «Farewell with the Motherland». The 250th anniversary of M. K. Oginski birth is included in the UNESCO calendar of memorable dates of 2014-2015.
    Chaim Weizmann - the first president of the State of Israel, one of the world leaders of zionist movement, native of the village Motol of the Brest region. Chaim Weizmann was a prominent chemist, lectured in Switzerland and the UK.
    Mark Shagal – was a talented painter and graphic atrist, famous for all over the world as a representative of art vanguard in visual art of ÕÕ century. Mark Shagal was awarded the highest award of France – the order of the Legion of Honor, and in honor of the 90th anniversary of the master in the Louvre held the largest lifetime exhibition of his works. His paintings are kept in collections of the most famous museums in the world.
    Zhores Alferov - physicist, author of more than 500 scientific works, Honorary doctor of the Harvard University, which in 2000 was awarded the Nobel prize in physics.
    Svetlana Aleksievich - writer and journalist, author of books on military theme. In 2015 Svetlana Alexievich became the winner of the Nobel prize in literature.
    Viñtoria Azarenko - tennis player, winner of the world's largest tournaments, Olympic champion 2012 in London. In January 2012, Victoria Azarenko headed the rating of Women's tennis Association (WTA) becoming the world's first racket in singles.
    Darya Domracheva - three-time Olympic champion 2014 in Sochi, bronze prizewinner 2010 in Vancouver Olympic games, silver medalist of Olympic games in Pyeongchang, twofold world champion, winner and prize-winner of the World Cup, honored master of sports, the hero of Belarus. On version of Biathlon Award Darya Domracheva voted the best female biathlete of 2010.

  • Health tourism in Belarus

    Health tourism in Belarus Health tourism in Belarus Health tourism in Belarus Health tourism in Belarus Health tourism in Belarus

    Belarus has always been famous for the traditions of health-resort treatment. In the territory of the country are located more than 100 health-resorts, which offerd year-round rest at affordable prices. Modern medical and diagnostic base, effective use of local unique natural sources of the mineral water and healing mud, highly qualified specialists, developed infrastructure for rest forced from year to year to return here those who have already appreciated the quality of treatment in Belarus.

    Health resorts in Belarus are located in picturesque ecologically clean areas with favorable microclimate, as usually, on the banks of ponds and surrounded by vast forests. Rich recreational resources presented healing springs of mineral waters, deposits of healing muds, comfortable soft climate, suitable for year-round health improvement, and fresh clean air, rich pine scent.
    Local mineral water successfully used for treatment of a wide range of digestive diseases and biliary tract disorders exchange substances, organs of blood circulation and respiration, peripheral nervous system. Many sources aren't concede their properties are world famous resorts of Truskavets, Matsesta, Tskhaltubo, Druskininkai and another. There are and, truly, unique - the only source of radon mineral used in Belarus waters'. Besides in Belarus operates only in CIS spelare - Republican Hospital of Speleo treatment , where treatment and rehabilitation can be done in the underground mine at a depth of 420 meters.

    Find detailed information about all of the health-resort organizations of Belarus with the description, relevant prices, photos and video reviews can be on the portal Health resorts of Belarus Sanatorii.by. 24 hours a day 7 days a week offered the opportunity of online booking vouchers with treatment, health tours and weekend tours. For the convenience of guests created a simple and comfortable module Searching for vouchers, which allows you quickly choose a voucher at the same time on several criteria - medical profile, room category, availability of swimming pool or highly specialized doctor. In addition, on the Internet portal can to get aqcuanted with feedbacks of vacationers, rating of resorts, learn about the current actions and discounts, compare several wanted health resorts of Belarus.

    Rest in health resorts in Belarus is a great opportunity to combine quality treatment with various leisure. It offers swimming pools, saunas, beauty rooms, modern restaurants and cafes, zone for active rest and playgrounds.

    Today, several resort zones have been formed in Belarus, which provide high quality services for every taste and budget. Among them the most famous - the resort Naroch with the largest natural reservior in the country, the resort Zhdanovichi in close proximity to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, and others. Here, qualified specialists will take care of your health, quality and variety meal, leisure time and rehabilitation for children. Along with the health-resort treatment resorts offer a variety of complex medical programs for adults and children, and also a wide range of SPA-programs.

    Book a tour to the health resorts in Belarus online Book

  • Eco-tourism in Belarus

    Eco-tourism in Belarus Eco-tourism in Belarus Eco-tourism in Belarus Eco-tourism in Belarus Eco-tourism in Belarus

    The unique nature of Belarus - is the most valuable wealth! Relict forest of Belovezhskaya pushcha, countless lakes of Braslav region, wide floodplain of Pripyat with swampy areas - will conquer the heart of anyone traveler's.
    Thanks to untouched nature with majestic forests, lakes and rivers with crystal clear water, as well as an amazing variety of flora and fauna, Belarus – is a special country for eco-tourism. About 200 recreation centers and tourist complexes, located in the most picteresque corners of Belarus, on the territory of national parks, ready to welcome guests and to acquaint with all variety of the Belarusian nature.
    The variety of landscapes within the country surprises and allows each guest to choose interest the route - to settle on the shore of reservoir, look into the forest, walk the swamp trails, observe animals in the wild. Such opportunities are represented by Belarusian National parks - Belovezhskaya pushcha, Pripyatsky, Narochansky, Braslavskie lakes, Berezinsky biosphere reserve.

    On the portal Rest in Belarus Beltur.by presented the best recreation centers and tourist complexes in the country. Here you can easily find a comfortable residence for a long holiday or pick up a cozy cottage or guest house for the weekend. Among all objects can be found offers for every taste and budget - here and theme complexes for active exhilarating and colorful ethnographic farmstead houses, resorts, campgrounds, secluded house hunters.
    Most of tourist sites offer their guests a rich and varied leisure. To their services - baths and saunas, equipped areas for barbecue, sports and tourist rental equipment, boats and catamarans, rope towns and more.
    Module Searching for vouchers helps to traveler choose a suitable base or complex, taking into account the wishes on location, theme of rest, organization of meals (with breakfast, full board or without meal with the ability to prepare yourself), the presence of a certain infrastructure and price category.

    To complement the rest with local flavor, immerse yourself in the measured rural life and taste national cuisine can be found in one of the Belarusian farmsteads. The hospitable hosts are happy to host his guests can tour the surrounding places, show berry and mushroom places, help to organize successful fishing.

    Book a tour to the recreation center or tourist complex in Belarus online Book

  • Cognitive tourism in Belarus

    Cognitive tourism in Belarus Cognitive tourism in Belarus Cognitive tourism in Belarus Cognitive tourism in Belarus Cognitive tourism in Belarus

    Arriving in Belarus, guests are amazed how rich and multifaceted its history and culture! Arriving at this small country before the eyes of the fascinating pages of its long and sometimes tragic history, which is closely intertwined with the history of neighboring countries and that is why it causes huge interest. Amazing castles, luxurious ancestral farmsteads, unique temples - silent witnesses of history of the state formation.

    For those who are planning a trip to Belarus for the first time and want to get acquainted with its culture and history, it is reasonable to use the organized sightseeing tours. Tours to Belarus – diverse and numerous, they cover the whole country and allow you to choose the route depending on the traveler's interests'.
    In Belarus, the unique samples of the World War II are well preserved and successfully restored architectures that are included in the list of the World heritage UNESCO. Among them the most famous examples of the medieval architecture - Mir castle and Nesvizh park and palace complex. This objects - a visiting card of Belarus, must see!

    Among excursion routes great importance is given to the places associated with the sad pages of the world history - the Second World War. The Great Patriotic war had a tragic impact on fate of Belarusian people and showed to the world the courage, bravery and inexhaustible patriotism of residents'. To feel the course of heavy war days, to feel the pain of the grieving people and inspired feats of heroes can be on the best excursions around Belarus - Brest fortress, Hatyn - The mound of Glory, Stalin Line.

    Deeper dive into the culture, traditions and national ceremonies of Belarus can be visited excursions in numerous ethnographic complexes Dudutki, Sula, Dukora, Nanosy, Strochitsy. Here guests acquaint with the peculiarities of the way of peasant and gentry life, traditions and rituals, demonstrate workshops give an opportunity to try yourself as a craftsman and even conduct tastings dishes of the Belarusian national cuisine. So dry facts of the history come to life before our eyes and are remembered permanently.

    Belarus is one of the most tolerant states in the world, where during the ages have peacefully neighboured several faiths. On its territory can meet orthodox and catholic castles, sinagogues and even mosques. A variety of architectural styles, valuable relics and their fascinating history is of great interest to the guests of Belarus. Among the main religious cult buildings of Belarus famous far beyond Polotskiy Sofiyskiy cathedral, Zhirovichi Holy Dormition Monastery, Church of Assumption of Virgin Mary in Budslav. You will see these and others unique masterpieces of the cult architecture during the excursion Belarusian mosaic, Slonim - Zhirovichi - Synkovichi, Polotsk, Budslav - Glubokoe - Mosar.

    A great opportunity to enjoy the incredible beauty of untouched Belarusian nature is available in one of the most popular excursions in Belarus - Brest fortress - Belovezhskaya pushcha . This relict protected forest is the oldest in Europe and is included in the list of the World heritage of UNESCO. Belovezhskaya pushcha is a mecca for tourists from all over the world, where walking through the forest paths you can meet the majestic symbol of Belarus - the mighty bison. A nice addition to the tour becomes a visit of the Farmstead of Dzed Moroz.
    Majority of national parks offer nature excursions on observation of wild animals and birds, walks on ecological trails, photos safari and examination of Museums of nature. One of the most interesting route offer Berezinsky biosphere reserve.

    Belarus won't cease to surprise even those who come to the country for the first time. Along with classic tours guests can visit the production tours - the best plants, factories and Belarusian workshops will open their doors to curious travelers. Legendary factory «BELAZ», where produced champions of the Guinness records book - mining trucks, sweet production of the confectionery «Slodych», process of creation and degustation on the brewery «Olivariya», fine and noble production of jewelry on the jewelry factory «ZORKA» allow you to choose an interesting tour.

    You can order any tour around Belarus from the Belarusian reliable tour operator on the portal Ekskursii.by. Here represented daily regular excursions from Minsk, and also multi-days tours around Belarus. For the most inquisitive tourists can be organized individual tours with taking into any wishes. Low costs, experienced charismatic guides and exciting routes every day! For foreign guests the operator offers excursions in English , German, Polish, Chinese and other laguages, company the first in Belarus conducts excursions with modern system of radioguides.

    Book an excursion or tour to Belarus online Book

    Transfer order Booking hotels Organization of conferences and seminars Excursion programs, animation and corporate events Holding of competitions, tours for fans

    An important helper for travelers who want to save their time is Internet portal order a taxi in Belarus. Free 24-hour online preview order, guaranteed supply of cars, reliable carriers, competitive rates, you have the advantage portal's Beltransfer.by. And the ability to share the cost of a trip between fellow travelers - a great opportunity budget get to hotel, health resort or recreation center.

    Today Belarus is a popular venue for international sports competitions, festivals, forums and conferences. Every year hundreds of events are held in the country orientation, the level of organization of which confirms its status as a European state.
    Intoduction of visa-free regime in the Repuplic of Belarus has significantly accelerated the development of MICE and sports tourism in the country.
    The tour operator owns a full base of sports facilities in Belarus, which allows to organize sports competitions in Belarus in more than 100 kinds of sports, as well as fees and tours for fans. Professional assistance of a personal manager in planning and preparing sports events and active tourism in Belarus guarantees a decent level of your event.
    Successful experience in the field of MICE tourism is confirmed by the trust of our regular customers - large state and private Belarusian and foreign companies. Organization of business meetings, negotiations, conferences and training seminars, as well as corporate events, incentive trips for employees are one of the most promising and important part of our activity. Qualified specialists will develop an optimal event program starting from transport service, to organizing a banquet, and also fill it with a cultural and entertainment component. Our experience, extensive partner base allows organizing events with the least financial costs and saves your time.
     Among the additional services of the company - the organization of meetings and sends off, booking tickets, visa support, hotel reservations and excursions.

  • Todo-list in Belarus

    Tourism in Belarus Tourism in Belarus Tourism in Belarus Tourism in Belarus Tourism in Belarus
    • To meet with bison in Belovezhskaya pushcha, the largest and oldest forest in Europe, and look into the Farmstead of Dzed Moroz.

    • To take a ride on the tank at home of the world's popular game World of tanks in the historical and cultural complex «Stalin Line».

    • To climb to the observation deck of the most unusual building of the country - National library in Minsk.

    • To hear a voice of the history in walls of Mir castle and Nesvizh palace.

    • To climb on the giant mining dump truck of the plant «BELAZ» - record holder of the Guinness book of records.

    • To kayak on the «Augustowsky canal» with the passage of the gateway with a drop in water level up to 10 meters.

    • To visit the main concert venue of the international festival of arts «Slavonic bazaar in Vitebsk».

    • To find the geographical center of Europe in Polotsk.

    • To visit the military parade in honour of the Independence day in July, 3 and Victory day in May, 9.

    • To look, how a real lamplighter lights the lights on the Sovetskaya street in Brest.

    • To jump over the fire and try to find the paparatz-kvetka on the Kupalle.

    • To try swamp boot and to walk the swamp; to collect cranberries and to see cranes on Olmanskie swamps.

    • To buy a dress made of 100% linen with embroidery.

    • To check your vestibular system in an upside-down house in Dukorsky maentak.

    • To make a wish to return to Belarus once again on the Astronomy square in Mogilev.

Hospitable Belarus invites!

Traditions, formed by centuries, natural wealth and modern experience harmoniously interlace in our country. Here, every traveler will certainly find for himself what makes him travel.
Discover the wonderful and diverse world of Belarusian nature, culture and traditions!

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