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Health resorts of Belarus.by - Paraffin-ozokerite application - Health resorts in Belarus price 2025
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Medical procedures - paraffin-ozokerite application

Medical procedures:

  1. 2nd consultation of the neurologist 12
  2. acid gas bath 9
  3. acupuncture 53
  4. acupuncture doctor consultation 11
  5. aeroionitherapy 17
  6. aeroionitherapy group 2
  7. aerosol therapy 1
  8. aerotherapy 7
  9. all medical procedures they are chargeable. 1
  10. amber therapy 8
  11. amblyostimulation 1
  12. amplipulse therapy 75
  13. anti-cellulite envelopement 7
  14. antiprostatitis 1
  15. antirheumatic blend 1
  16. antler baths 32
  17. api-puncture therapy 3
  18. aquaaerobics 41
  19. aroma bath 22
  20. aromaphytotherapy 2
  21. aromatherapy 64
  22. audiovisual stimulation 12
  23. auricular reflexotherapy 14
  24. autorefractokeratometry 3
  25. backbone zone massage 1
  26. balneal and thermal therapy 2
  27. balneal therapy 31
  28. balneary 11
  29. barotherapy local 4
  30. bath hydromassage with ozone extract of herbs 1
  31. bath ozone 2
  32. bath with bischofite 28
  33. baths medicinal 56
  34. binocular vision training 1
  35. bio detox therapy 1
  36. biochemical blood test 22
  37. bioptron 1
  38. bioresonance apitherapy (hive therapy) 3
  39. blood test (leukocytes, Hb, ESR) 10
  40. blood test general 36
  41. blood test on sugar 21
  42. body wrap 36
  43. bowels hydrotherapy 2
  44. carboxy therapy 57
  45. carboxyreflexotherapy 4
  46. care for dry skin 2
  47. cavernous magnetotherapy 12
  48. cellulite treatment 2
  49. centimeter wave therapy 8
  50. Charcot's douche 74
  51. chemical peeling 4
  52. chloride natrium bath 19
  53. chocolate bath 8
  54. chocolate wrap 8
  55. circular douche 70
  56. clearing clyster 10
  57. Cleopatra baths 14
  58. climatotherapy 16
  59. clyster drop-by-drop 3
  60. collective and group psychotherapy 3
  61. colonohydrotherapy 19
  62. color Doppler Scanning 1
  63. colposcopy 18
  64. common thermotherapy 12
  65. computer vision training 1
  66. coniferous-antler bath 1
  67. consultation of the otorhinolaryngologist 11
  68. consultation with a dermatologist 3
  69. consultation with a surgeon 1
  70. consultations of the cardiologist 19
  71. contactless massage 28
  72. contrast bath 20
  73. contrast baths 1
  74. contrast douche 19
  75. correction of functional wrinkles 2
  76. correction of local hyperhidrosis 2
  77. cosmetological therapy 22
  78. cosmetologist consultation 14
  79. Covid-19 smear (PCR test) 3
  80. CPAP-therapy 3
  81. creotherapy local air 52
  82. criosauna 19
  83. cryodestruction 2
  84. cryodestruction of benign neoplasm of viral etiology 1
  85. cryogenic chamber therapy 8
  86. cryomassage 1
  87. darsonvalism 81
  88. decimeter wave therapy 32
  89. defining a body mass index 4
  90. dental examination 12
  91. dental irrigation with mineral water 1
  92. dentist consultation 21
  93. detenzor backbone therapy 2
  94. detoxification therapy 1
  95. diadinamophoresis 2
  96. diadynamic therapy 68
  97. diagnostics 31
  98. dietotherapy 59
  99. distilled water ozonization 19
  100. doctor's examination during the course of treatment 22
  101. doctors' consultations 52
  102. drop-by-drop introduction of drug 22
  103. dry air acid gas bath 30
  104. dry air carbon baths (capsule) 12
  105. dry aqua massage 12
  106. dry carbonic acid gas bath 60
  107. duplex scanning of vessels with color and energy doppler 7
  108. earcandles 1
  109. ECG - diagnostics 32
  110. echocardiography woth doppler research 29
  111. electric light bath 2
  112. electric neurostimulation 3
  113. electro aerosol therapy 2
  114. electroacupuncture 4
  115. electroaerosoltherapy individual 2
  116. electrocardiography 61
  117. electrodiagnostics 6
  118. electromud cure 42
  119. electromyography 1
  120. electromyostimulation of the face 2
  121. electrophoresis 54
  122. electrophoresis of medical substances 42
  123. electrophototherapy 54
  124. electropuncture 7
  125. electropuncture diagnostics 7
  126. electrosleep 52
  127. electrostatic vibromassage 18
  128. electrostimulation 27
  129. electrotherapy 35
  130. electrotherapy by the impulses of low-frequency current 12
  131. electrovibromassage 2
  132. elektropunktur testing on Foll's method 2
  133. endocrinologist doctor consultation 8
  134. endocrinologists econdary examination 2
  135. endoscopy 4
  136. enema medicinal 12
  137. enhanced external counterpulsation 1
  138. esophagogastroduodenoscopy 5
  139. examination of the fundus with a fundus lens 1
  140. exercise machine vacuum 5
  141. exercise therapy personal 19
  142. exogenous bioresonance therapy 3
  143. extremities gassing in plastic bags 8
  144. face massage 1
  145. face skin cleansing 9
  146. fan douche 6
  147. farmakoreflexology 12
  148. feces analysis 7
  149. Fetal ultrasound 7
  150. fish-SPA 5
  151. fitness 6
  152. floating therapy 15
  153. fluctorization 21
  154. fluorine tooth lacquering 6
  155. four chamber galvanic mud 13
  156. four-chamber contrast bath 4
  157. franclinization 9
  158. functional diagnostics 20
  159. functional wrinkle injection 1
  160. galoinhalation 16
  161. galotherapy 72
  162. galvanization 61
  163. general barotherapy (hyperbaric oxygenation) 26
  164. general clinical examinations 4
  165. general practitioner consultation 76
  166. general thermal therapy in SPA-capsule 48
  167. Genetic research 1
  168. gidromagnitoterapiya 5
  169. glucosometry 14
  170. gonioscopy 1
  171. gravitational therapy on an inversion table 11
  172. group infrared sauna 6
  173. group psychological correction 2
  174. gum irrigations with mineral water 4
  175. gynacological irrigations with mineral water 13
  176. gynaecologic analysis 13
  177. gynaecological procedures 16
  178. gynaecologist consultation 32
  179. haematological research 6
  180. hardware foot massage 1
  181. head wrap 1
  182. heating of acupuncture points with minoxicums 3
  183. Helik-test 1
  184. hemolymphatic drainage massage 2
  185. herbal bath 6
  186. herbal inhalations 10
  187. hippotherapy 2
  188. holistic massage 1
  189. homeopathical diagnostics and treatment 3
  190. honey foam bath 1
  191. horizontal douche 28
  192. hydrogalvanic bath 22
  193. hydromassage bath 47
  194. hydropathy 42
  195. hydrosulphuric bath 16
  196. hypodermic injection 23
  197. hypoxic therapy 14
  198. hyrodotherapy 28
  199. individual halotherapy in a salt capsule 3
  200. individual psychotherapy 11
  201. individual sauna 16
  202. inductothermy 12
  203. infrared sauna 39
  204. inhalations 89
  205. initial appointment with an ophthalmologist 2
  206. inner breathing functions diagnostics 9
  207. instrumental removal of dental tartar 7
  208. interferential current therapy 34
  209. intestinal lavage 2
  210. intraarticular blockade 2
  211. intraarticular injections 7
  212. intraarticular injections of hyaluronic acid 5
  213. intracavitary darsonvalisation 6
  214. intracavitary electrophoresis 5
  215. intracavitary laser therapy 6
  216. intracavitary mud cure 18
  217. intramuscular injection 52
  218. intramuscular injection ozone-oxygen mixture 2
  219. intrauterine contraceptive removal 8
  220. intravenous injection 47
  221. intravenous injection of ozonized physiological solution 11
  222. intravenous laser blood irradiation 6
  223. iodide bromine bath 45
  224. iridodiagnostics 1
  225. irrigations with mineral water 2
  226. jet introduction of drug 9
  227. juicetherapy 6
  228. kinesio taping 14
  229. kinesitherapy 11
  230. Kneip path 8
  231. laboratory diagnostics 22
  232. laser therapy 82
  233. laserpuncture 19
  234. local mud applications 29
  235. local thermal therapy 10
  236. low frequency magnetotherapy 1
  237. lymphamat 1
  238. macular stimulation 1
  239. magnet and laser puncture 6
  240. magnetic puncture 6
  241. magnetolaser irradiation 6
  242. magnetolaser therapy, percutaneous 10
  243. magnetolaserotherapy 57
  244. magnetophoresis 13
  245. magnetostimulation 23
  246. magnetotherapy 94
  247. Magnetotherapy local 73
  248. mammary glands ultrasonography 42
  249. manicure and pedicure 1
  250. manual massage 93
  251. manual therapy 8
  252. marine bath 10
  253. mask cosmetological 14
  254. massage 68
  255. massage 3D 2
  256. massage cosmetological 4
  257. massage glasses 3
  258. massage gynaecological 12
  259. massage on apparatus 27
  260. massage on low frequency combined thermal stimulator 1
  261. massage on massage pillow 1
  262. massage oriental scraper back 2
  263. massage oriental scraper waist 2
  264. mechanic massage 15
  265. mechanical massage 2
  266. mechanical massage of feet and legs 1
  267. mechanical massage of the spine 1
  268. mechanical massage on massage chair 59
  269. mechanical massage on massage coache 70
  270. mechanotherapy 42
  271. medical baths 75
  272. medical douches 72
  273. medical procedures prescribed by the doctor 22
  274. medicated bath with sault 11
  275. medicine inhalations 59
  276. medicine phonophoresis 10
  277. medicines therapy 64
  278. mesotherapy 9
  279. microacupuncture (reusable needles) 12
  280. microclyster 14
  281. microwave therapy 8
  282. milk and honey bath 9
  283. millimeterwave therapy 33
  284. mineral bath 61
  285. mineral bath with bischofite 3
  286. mineral coniferous bath 1
  287. mineral gas bath 9
  288. mineral iodine-bromine bath 1
  289. mineral water 8
  290. mineral water inhalations 13
  291. mineral water therapy 65
  292. mineral-pearl bath 34
  293. mini-sauna Cedar barrel 50
  294. mud applications common 78
  295. mud bath 21
  296. mud cure 38
  297. mustard bath 1
  298. naphthalan bath 7
  299. naphthalanotherapy 11
  300. needle douche 2
  301. neurologist consultation 33
  302. next vitit to the urologist 3
  303. noninvasive blood diagnostics 10
  304. obstetrics and gynecology 1
  305. oil inhalations 6
  306. ophthalmic photomagnetotherapy 1
  307. oriental massage 5
  308. orthopedic consultation 12
  309. orthopedic stomatology 3
  310. orthoptic synaptophore treatment 1
  311. otorhinolaryngology 5
  312. outpatient's card 42
  313. oxidate peat bath 9
  314. oxygen bath 3
  315. oxygen cocktails 80
  316. ozokerite applications 6
  317. ozokerite therapy 3
  318. ozone sauna 1
  319. ozonetherapy: drinking water treatment 15
  320. ozonetherapy: drop-in-drop introduction 23
  321. ozonetherapy: joints injections 8
  322. ozonetherapy: ozone boots, sleeves 8
  323. ozonetherapy: rectal insuphlation (microclysters) 13
  324. paraffin ozokerite therapy 17
  325. paraffin-ozokerite application 71
  326. paraffinotherapy 6
  327. pearl bath 82
  328. pediatrician consultation 21
  329. percutaneous diagnostic biopsy 1
  330. perimetry 1
  331. phlebology 1
  332. photoepilation 2
  333. photohromotherapy 10
  334. phototherapy 2
  335. physiotherapist consultation 21
  336. physiotherapy 32
  337. phyto earcandles 8
  338. phytotherapy 83
  339. pilates 6
  340. pine bath 46
  341. pine mineral bath 1
  342. pine-pearl bath 20
  343. pneumatic compression therapy 83
  344. pneumotonometry 1
  345. preparation for massage 17
  346. preparation of herbal tea 1
  347. press therapy 7
  348. preventive dentistry 33
  349. procedure unit 6
  350. prostate massage 1
  351. psammotherapy 1
  352. psycho-emotional discharge 14
  353. psychotherapist consultation 19
  354. psychotherapy 26
  355. radio lifting 29
  356. radiofrequency therapy 4
  357. radon bath 6
  358. raining douche 41
  359. rapid test for antibodies to Covid-19 25
  360. re-consultation of the otorhinolaryngologist 4
  361. rectal tampons 1
  362. rectosegmoscopy 2
  363. reflexotherapy 23
  364. reflexotherapy acupunctural 1
  365. reflextherapist consultation 37
  366. rehabilitation after Covid-19 55
  367. rentgenography 3
  368. repeated appointment with a pediatrician 1
  369. repeated appointment with a physiotherapist 1
  370. repeated appointment with an ophthalmologist 1
  371. repeated consultation with a dermatologist 1
  372. retinoscopy with video recording 1
  373. rheoencephalography 12
  374. rheovasography 12
  375. rinsing or irrigation with ozonized distilled water 2
  376. rising douche 60
  377. sapropel bath 12
  378. sapropelic mud applications 2
  379. sauna therapeutic 6
  380. scrape analyse on enterobiasis 1
  381. Sctcherbakov galvanic collar 2
  382. sea mud envelopement 2
  383. second gynaecologist consultation 19
  384. second psychotherapist consultation 7
  385. second reflextherapist consultation 14
  386. second therapist consultation 24
  387. selection of contact lenses 1
  388. selection of glasses 2
  389. Shock Wave Therapy 38
  390. short-impulse electro analgesia 2
  391. skalp reflex therapy 4
  392. skiascopy 1
  393. skin care vozrostnoy 2
  394. skin diagnostics 1
  395. slimming blend 1
  396. soft, aroma bath 32
  397. Spa procedure for hands and nails 1
  398. SPA program 15
  399. speleotherapy 33
  400. speleotherapy overnight stay 1
  401. spirometry 33
  402. sport centre 32
  403. stonetherapy 50
  404. stream douche 23
  405. subcutaneous injection of ozone-oxygen mixture 12
  406. surgical dentistry 3
  407. survey of narrow experts 5
  408. survey of the doctor 45
  409. terrainkur 42
  410. thai massage 10
  411. The Dead Sea mud wraps 4
  412. therapeutic physical training 89
  413. therapeutic swimming (gymnastics in water) 15
  414. thermal applications 1
  415. thermal magnet therapy 8
  416. thermal therapy 33
  417. thermal therapy and mud cure 17
  418. thermal therapy in capsule 5
  419. thermatherapeutic massage 1
  420. thermographic study 2
  421. Tibetan massage 4
  422. tonometry 3
  423. tourmaline mats 9
  424. traction therapy 27
  425. training of reserves of accommodation 1
  426. transcerebral electrotherapy 6
  427. transcranial electrotherapy 2
  428. treatment of acute dental pathology 4
  429. treatment of gynaecological diseases 1
  430. treatment of urologic diseases 1
  431. trichoscopy 1
  432. turpentine bath 60
  433. UHF therapy 11
  434. ultra high frequency therapy 62
  435. ultraphonophoresis 54
  436. ultrasonic facial peeling 3
  437. ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity 18
  438. ultrasound densitometry 16
  439. ultrasound of salivary glands (or submaxillary or parotid) 23
  440. ultrasound of soft tissues 30
  441. ultrasound of the gallbladder 5
  442. ultrasound of the kidneys and liver 1
  443. ultrasound therapy 79
  444. ultratontherapy 18
  445. ultraviolet irradiation 75
  446. underwater backbone traction 32
  447. underwater douche-massage 93
  448. underwater intestinal lavage 2
  449. urethral smear test 10
  450. urine analysis general 33
  451. urines ultrasound 5
  452. urologic procedures 10
  453. urologist consultation 16
  454. US 60
  455. US inhalations 30
  456. US of a small basin 9
  457. US of abdominal cavity 19
  458. US of abdominal cavity and urinary bladder 20
  459. US of brachiocephalic arteries 12
  460. US of gall bladder and liver with function defining 28
  461. US of gall bladder and liver without function defining 48
  462. US of joints, muscles and tendons 2
  463. US of kidneys and adrenals 50
  464. US of lymph gland 34
  465. US of mammary glands 11
  466. US of pancreas 56
  467. US of pancreas with contrasting 2
  468. US of pleural cavity 13
  469. US of prostate gland 19
  470. US of prostate gland with urinary bladder and determination of rest urine 46
  471. US of spleen 56
  472. US of the brain of a newborn 2
  473. US of the heart 10
  474. US of the joints 19
  475. US of the knee joints 1
  476. US of the liver 1
  477. US of the muscles 14
  478. US of the penis 4
  479. US of the scrotum 27
  480. US of the stomach filled with fluid 7
  481. US of the vascular 10
  482. US of thyroid gland 12
  483. US of thyroid gland with superficial lymph nodes 47
  484. US of urinary bladder 46
  485. US of urinary bladder with determination of rest urine 41
  486. US of urinary bladder, kidneys and adrenals 41
  487. US of urinary bladder, kidneys and adrenals with determination of rest urine 30
  488. US of uterus, uterine appendages 32
  489. US of uterus, uterine appendages with urinary bladder 31
  490. US of veins and arteries of lower and upper extremities 7
  491. vacuum acupuncture 5
  492. vacuum and reflex therapy 12
  493. vacuum massage 41
  494. vacuum therapy 24
  495. vaginal irrigations 13
  496. Vaginal tampon 9
  497. valerian bath 21
  498. valerian-coniferous bath 1
  499. vein blood irradiation by impulse laser radiation on apparatus 64
  500. veloergometry 1
  501. vibration therapy (vibromassage) 8
  502. vibrational bath 18
  503. vibroacoustic therapy 6
  504. vibromassage 1
  505. Vichy shower 2
  506. Visible, infra-red irradiation 57
  507. visits to the sauna 26
  508. visits to the sport complex 3
  509. visits to the swimming pool 57
  510. visits to the swimming pool with mineral water 14
  511. vitaminotherapy 3
  512. vortical massage 46
  513. walking Scandinavian 44
  514. wavy therapy 18
  515. wax depilation 2
  516. wax room 1
  517. wet wrapping 7
  518. whirlpool bath with ozone 1
  519. whirlpool, vibrating baths 13
  520. yoga 7
  521. àuricular reflex therapy 13
  522. ìàíóàëüíàÿ äèàãíîñòèêà 3
  523. ýëåêòðàêààãóëÿöûÿ 3

Paraffin-ozokerite application

Paraffin-ozokerite applications - an effective method of thermotherapy using natural mineral of oil origin, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edema effect. This method has been used successfully for the treatment of arthritis, joint injuries, cholecystitis, a skin disorder, female and male reproductive organs..

Ozokeriteis a unique substance which is called mountain wax, it contains ceresin, paraffin, hydrogen sulphide compound, petroleum resins and mineral oils.

In the health resorts of Belarus is used in the form of applications. Typically, ozokerite and paraffin are hitted and this liquid poured into the cell, where it is slightly cooled and then placed in the thermostat.
Such a plate with a thickness of about 3 cm and a temperature about 60-70 degrees is placed on the ill place on the body, coverd and wrapped by blanket. The first procedure lasts about 15 minutes, and then the duration can be increased. The course of treatment is appointed by the physician and in the average is about 6-10 procedures.

Ozokerite and paraffin have a high heat capacity and minimum thermal conductivity. It slowly cools giving heat to the body, in addition it has mechanical and chemical effects. In the area of application the body temperature rises, the skin is slightly compressed due to the cooling. The heat penetrates even deeper into the tissue, the metabolism and activation of blood circulation increses, and biologically active substances through the skin get into the blood and spread throughout the body.

Due to its unique properties paraffin ozokerite applications are used in various fields of medicine. Most often it is used to treat diseases of the joints, ligaments, muscles, stomach ailments, skin diseases of male and female organs. Among the major indications for paraffin-ozokeritotherapy:

  • arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuritis, sciatica, injured joints and muscles;
  • cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis;
  • pneumonia, inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
  • scars, sores and wounds;
  • gynecological diseases, including infertility.

Paraffin-ozokerite application in the health resorts of Belarus:

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